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Sherese Jefferson, MS Ed, NCC

Sherese is a Nationally Certified Counselor and a Certified School Counselor with a passion for counseling children, teens, and young adults, following extensive experience working with this population in a variety of capacities.  From school counselor, to mentor, to teacher and therapist at an inner-city youth camp, Sherese brings a variety of skills and tools into the counseling office, and she enjoys taking a holistic and creative approach in her counseling space.  Sherese is trained in EMDR and has a dedication to working with trauma. Integrating the Christian faith into therapy is something Sherese is trained to facilitate.  Sherese has a Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy from Seton Hill University, and a Master of Science in Education in School Counseling from Duquesne University.  Sherese is currently under supervision for a higher level of licensure.

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